The cup that overflows
Picture a garden. Each interaction you have is like watering a plant. You can nourish others, or you can drain them.
When your inner well is full, you naturally nurture those around you. But where do you fill your own well?
Some seek to fill themselves with fleeting pleasures like wealth, fame, and possessions. These are like rainwater in a desert. They quench for a moment, then vanish.
There is a deeper source within you. It is like an underground spring, always flowing, never depleting. This is the essence of your being.
When you connect to this source, you become like a great tree by a river. Your roots drink deep, and your branches offer shade and fruit to all who pass.
To find this wellspring, be still. Listen to the silence between your thoughts. Feel the space behind your breath.
Here, in the quiet center of yourself, you will find an abundance that never runs dry. From this place, you can give endlessly without feeling drained.
This is the art of living, to be so full of life that you overflow, nourishing the world around you effortlessly.