Tomorrow will be the day you find freedom.

Tomorrow will be the day you stop worrying.

Tomorrow will be the day you are finally happy.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

If you work hard now, you will reap the rewards tomorrow.

If you have patience now, you will get it tomorrow.

If you sacrifice now, you will be even happier tomorrow.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

Trapped in the belief that tomorrow exists.

Trapped in the idea that tomorrow will come.

Trapped in the mind that tomorrow will be better.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

Tomorrow, you realize there is no tomorrow.

Tomorrow, you realize there is no yesterday.

Tomorrow, you realize there is only now.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

If you believe in tomorrow, you cannot value today.

If you cannot value today, you cannot live in the moment.

If you cannot live in the moment, you are a prisoner of your mind.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.